Kamila obtained her PhD in Biomedical Imaging from New York University. She did her graduate work in the laboratory of Dr. Daniel Turnbull at NYU School of Medicine. Her doctoral work focused on developing and applying novel micro-MRI approaches to studies of brain development using mouse models of human neurodevelopmental disorders. In her studies she used cerebellum, a brain region critical in motor control and function, as a model system for quantitative and qualitative analysis of patterning processes taking place at early postnatal stages.
In 2014 Kamila started working as a postdoctoral fellow at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto in the laboratory of Dr. Donald Mabbott. Currently, she is working on projects examining potential of physical exercise and pharmacological interventions to stimulate brain repair in children with brain tumours and preclinical studies in mouse models of childhood brain injury. She is a recipient of Brain Canada-NeuroDevNet postdoctoral fellowship. In her studies she uses a variety of computational neuroimaging approaches including: deformation based morphometry, cortical thickness and regional brain shape analysis, as well as automated volumetric analysis of different brain structures.
Kamila's journey towards Neurothriving started in 2011 when, after years of suffering from simingly unrelated symptoms, she was finally diagnosed with a thyroid autoimmune disorder, Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Kamila is practicing an integrative approach to her wellness and, in addition to being under a care of physician, she became proactive and learned how to use nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle aspects to manage her symptomos. Everyday she is striving towards Neurothriving and now she wants to share what she has been learning on her journey with you.
On top of being a scientist she is an AFAA (Aerobics and Fitness Association of America) certified group fitness instructor. She particularly enjoys teaching IntenSati a fun, energizing cardio workout that combines spoken positive affirmations with movement. In her free time she enjoys biking, hiking, taking 1.5h long hot yoga classes, experimenting with her juicer and blender to make various green juices and smoothies and playing with her two kittens Ginger and Pekoe.